Voluntary Withdrawal: If a student has made the personal decision not to continue in the student's academic program, they can declare a voluntary withdrawal. You should include your full name, student ID number, and the date of your withdrawal.Provide a Reason for Your Withdrawal. In order to withdraw from the University, the student must complete the process in person through the Registrar's Office. I hope that this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. Death of family member (or close relative); Complete withdrawal (excludes complete withdrawal for non-payment); Class cancelation; Other "good cause". You should articulate your reason for withdrawing in a clear and concise manner. Go to myLoneStar to make a payment or set up a payment plan. Please note the College only accepts payments for tuition and fees for the current academic terms. Harris-Stowe State University offers bachelor degrees in a variety of disciplines across business, education, science, technology, and math.