If you are joining another church, the pastor will contact your previous church and ask for a letter of transfer. Letter of Transfer of Church Membership ✓ easily fill out and sign forms ✓ download blank or editable online.Request for Letter of Transfer and Recommendation. Customizing this Church Membership Transfer Letter is simple with our easy-to-use drag-and-drop builder. A "Letter of Transfer" form is helpful when transferring membership from one congregation to another congregation. 1. The Quarterly Conference has sole authority to determine whether or not members may be dropped from the membership roll of a local Methodist Church. 2. TRANSFER OF MEMBERSHIP: As a Baptist, whose church membership is elsewhere, you are most welcome to join our fellowship. We will send for your church letter. A member of an LLC is a person that holds an ownership or membership interest in the LLC. If you discover an ISP that we don't have in the database, let us know and we'll add it.