You can always write a formal letter to your local church board stating your request and the reasons why. Below, we'll take a look at some of the options available and two sample letters to remove a board member.Send a letter requesting removal, the board will have to vote on it and they usually require an official request. Dear Chairman Board of Elders,. I am writing to withdraw my membership from Grace Community Church. You are allowed to resign from a church whenever you wish to do so, no matter what your covenant, church constitution or designated church leader says. This article walks you through the steps to remove a board member, includes a sample letter, and explains how board management software streamlines the process. You can always write a formal letter to your local church board stating your request and the reasons why. Sponsor a PDF copy of the partially filled out application so they can use it to fill out the rest of the application. 2. Point of lowest cover without additional fill.