If you are joining another church, the pastor will contact your previous church and ask for a letter of transfer. Customizing this Church Membership Transfer Letter is simple with our easy-to-use drag-and-drop builder.This form should only be filled in after a written request for transfer has been received and the church has voted to allow the person to transfer out. "Transferring your letter" is more of a perfunctory act between churches who are merely shuffling members as though they are numbers on a score board. However, licenses are generally received in a much shorter time. Technology Transfer at Hillsborough Road. Committee member Rice pointed out that if there will be no space preserved for future transit service, it would do the agencies huge disservice. 4-4. Identified employees and Authority members fill out the Annual Statement form and return it to the General Manager within the time frame requested. 7. Additionally, staff will utilize funds from Hillsborough County in a contract executed.