Send a letter to the current church requesting them to take your name off the records, and go and profess your faith in the new congregation. Write a letter to or call the church's office and ask to withdraw membership and remove your information from their records.Dear Chairman Board of Elders,. I am writing to withdraw my membership from Grace Community Church. Below, we'll take a look at some of the options available and two sample letters to remove a board member. You are allowed to resign from a church whenever you wish to do so, no matter what your covenant, church constitution or designated church leader says. "Transferring your letter" is more of a perfunctory act between churches who are merely shuffling members as though they are numbers on a score board. Nonprofit organizations must apply for exemption with the Comptroller's office and receive exempt status before making tax-free purchases. The Human Resources Department at the University of St. Thomas, Houston is a dedicated team committed to fostering a culture of excellence and inclusivity. 11(2), broke out instructions for multiple name changes from paragraph 1.