Please visit the LCC office and complete the Withdrawal Form. Students who wish to withdraw must complete the Student Request for Official Withdrawal form and submit to the Registrar's Office in the Welcome Center.Download and complete the Authorization to Release Educational Records (i.e. Students requesting an administrative withdrawal or refund of tuition and fees must submit a Student Appeal Form to the Office of the Registrar. Initial all that apply: STUDENTS RECEIVING FINANCIAL AID — I understand that if I withdrawal from ALL classes I may owe financial aid back. If you have reached the six-drop limit, and wish to withdraw from all classes during the semester, please fill out the 6 Drop Exemption Withdrawal Form. Application Withdrawal and Offer Rejection Email Samples. Email Withdrawing Application for Employment. If you withdraw from a class, your tuition charges will remain the same; however, your financial aid may be reduced or cancelled. University drop deadline published in the academic calendar.