If you are joining another church, the pastor will contact your previous church and ask for a letter of transfer. These forms may also be used when members transfer from one of our congregations to a congregation of a sister church.An incorporated church generally can transfer title to church property, following authorization of the transaction pursuant to the church's governing document. Church Reporting Guide, Church Directory Changes, Caring for Local Church Membership Guide, Transfer of Church Membership Form (copy to your letterhead) Printed on high-quality, white bond paper, 8" x 11" with perforation in center. The top section is the transfer and the bottom section is the acknowledgment. Customize your recommendation letter, add or remove form fields, change fonts and colors, and make other design changes — with no coding required. In the case of a married couple, please fill in a separate transfer form for each person. The official website of Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. More than one state (you're a multi-state employer). 2.