501(c)(3) equivalent (Pub. 557). Do you want new ways to welcome members into your church?Check out these top church membership welcome letter templates and best practices. It usually involves a face-to-face conversation with one of the pastors or elders of the church. The Church requires that you "request" the Sacrament of Confirmation, indicating that you feel you are ready to receive the Sacrament. This form should only be filled in after a written request for transfer has been received and the church has voted to allow the person to transfer out. And now I'm going to see you become a full adult member of the Catholic church. I saw you yesterday We kept looking around Um well, tested. Please request the letter from your current parish and ask that it be sent to the parish where the sacrament of Baptism or Confirmation will be celebrated. A bishop or stake president learns that a Church member who lives outside the ward or stake may have been involved in a serious sin.