Church membership is supposed to reflect as closely as possible membership in heaven (Matt. The Greeks and Romans wrote letters of commendation for many practical matters.Their style was part of the culture of New Testament times. I thank God for you and the role you've played in my life. You've been a friend, an encouragement, a mentor, and a blessing in times of need. Some churches require a letter of transfer. Other churches need to see my behavior for a while. If, therefore, the whole church comes together and all speak in tongues, and outsiders or unbelievers enter, will they not say that you are out of your minds? I wanted to spend some time writing to the next generation of leaders, to both encourage and exhort them as they take up a significant role in ministry. In this very significant verse, Paul states his reason for writing 1 Timothy, providing one of the key NT descriptions of the church's identity and mission.