You can do is to end your membership in The UMC. If a pastor is informed that a member has without notice united with a church of another denomination, the pastor shall make diligent inquiry.No church has to disaffiliate. And no member of the UMC is required to leave when they disagree with the Book of Discipline. The Book of Discipline provides that members can be removed from the membership role if they "transfer, die or have withdrawn from membership." The ONLY way to be ENTIRELY removed from The UMC is transfer. This is grounded in our theology of baptism and membership. As a member of RMN, St. Paul's UMC would retain complete authority over our worship, programming, logos, and all other aspects of our shared life and community. I have now officially disaffiliated from the United Methodist Church and have become a full Elder in the Global Methodist Church. The United Methodist Church (UMC) is a worldwide mainline Protestant denomination based in the United States, and a major part of Methodism.