I wish to bring to your attention a matter of personal significance- my decision to end my membership with our church. I joined TNPC last month; however, I still need to write the letter officially terminating my membership at my parents' Methodist Church.Create and write an official letter to announce your departure from a church. Download finished copies as PDFs. NOTE: The following termination agreement is a very basic template for churches and pastors to use strictly as a resource. Elevation Church confirmed to Queen City News it is withdrawing its affiliation with the Southern Baptist Convention, effective immediately. Immediately upon the filing of a notice of appeal the appellate court acquires jurisdiction over the case. After the filing of the notice of appeal, however,. The provider is required to submit a compliance letter stating how the violation of child care requirements has been corrected. The provisions of this Catalog are not to be construed as an irrevocable contract between the student and Johnson C. Smith University. This.