IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please read the following instructions prior to completing the Request for Removal form. "Generate a tailored demand letter to retrieve your personal property.You can use these templates when contacting the author of online content like blog posts, articles, or videos to request their removal. A cease and desist letter is used to stop an individual or entity from continuing a specified action. A Cease and Desist Letter is used to resolve a dispute between yourself and other parties. Create yours for use in any state today! Example: Selena falls behind on her credit card payments, and after several months of missed payments, the card company marks the account as a charge-off. Example: Selena falls behind on her credit card payments, and after several months of missed payments, the card company marks the account as a charge-off. You can write a letter to the IRS to request penalty abatement. Tips and sample language for writing the most effective demand letter.