Deactivate your EIN. Notice of Change or Discontinuance.Use this form only if you discontinued or made changes to your business. Non-Michigan residents who are requesting a central registry clearance on themselves must complete the Central Registry Clearance Request - DHS-1929 form. Be sure to include the LLC's complete name, EIN, and mailing address so the IRS can correctly identify your IRS account. This blog post provides you with information (and links) on how to close and cancel your sales tax permit in each state. How to find your Account ID. Your Account ID is in the upper right-hand corner under the Letter ID on the correspondence you received from the Department. You can find your caseworker's specialist ID on the top right corner of a notice you received from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). Is there a filing deadline to request a homestead exemption? You can find your parcel Id number on your tax bill.