Organizations seeking exemption from Sales and Use Tax must complete all steps of this application. Please fill out this application form fully and print or type all information, as this will be used to create your listing in our.Listed below are brief descriptions of common types of child care programs in New York State. CALL TO ORDER: This meeting is being held pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act of 1974 and all provisions of that Act have been met. Read these instructions carefully and complete all applicable sections on the form. We cannot process an incomplete application. Please call 802-223-5915 for assistance. Town Clerk: Sarah Merriman Assistant Town Clerk: Cheryl Grandfield Address: 5 Church Street, Middlesex, VT 05602 Reprinted: March 7, 2023 to include revisions. Use the free New Jersey Online Filing Service to file your 2024 NJ-1040 return.