You can always write a formal letter to your local church board stating your request and the reasons why. Contact your pastor or elder, though they may request you to withdraw in writing.Nevada NRS § 201.270 makes it a misdemeanor when a person willfully disturbs a religious meeting. A person may not be admitted as a member without his or her express or implied consent. Your church must have bylaws or some other guidelines that describe the grounds for revocation of membership. Charitable Organizations must register with the Nevada Secretary of State's office before soliciting charitable contributions in Nevada. The Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility makes available advisory opinions on the ethical considerations of the practice of law. Please take a few minutes to fill out a brief survey, available in English and Spanish. We are Southern Nevada's only food bank and largest hunger relief organization, serving residents of Clark, Lincoln, Nye, and Esmeralda counties. We're excited to show you how RightNow Media makes it easier to equip your church anytime, anywhere.