There are seven statewide ballot questions on the general election ballot this November. Q: Where do I send my voter registration form once I've filled it out?Nevada Revised Statutes require a seven-day notice to the tenant, instructing the tenant to either pay the rent or "quit" (leave) the rental property. NRS 295.009 General requirements for state or local petition for initiative or referendum: Must embrace one subject; must include description of effect. When you file your claim for benefits, provide the UI office with the exact reason for your separation so we can best determine your eligibility. Welcome to the Nevada Department of Education's (NDE) Licensure homepage! NV Energy proudly serves Nevada with a service area covering over 44000 square miles. Find answers to common questions on the American Community SurveyIs it legitimate? Is my response required? For non-engineering courses: If you meet the prerequisites for a course (e.g.