Write a long, nasty, mean-spirited letter to explain everything that they dislike about the church and articulate their own self-pity at length. Entering into, engaging with, and departing from Christ's local body is a significant part of following Jesus.Church members should exercise graciousness and courtesy in leaving a church. "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. I did leave, and am now in a new place much better for me. Thank you, thank you, for all you've done, for your sweet heart for the Lord and for your neighbors. As we depart, may we carry Your light into the darkness, shining brightly for all to see. We pray this in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. In some situations, it makes sense to let the opponent know that if they so much as sneeze on someone you protect, it will cost them a limb. I told him, I'll burn that bitch down in the daytime.