Learn about forming and registering your business online, and how to complete other types of business filings. Register your business (opens in a new tab).Letter of Transfer of Church Membership ✓ easily fill out and sign forms ✓ download blank or editable online. Results 1 - 10 of 72 for church clergy tax exempted forms. That's also true of all the counties that form the eastern border of Pennsylvania. To file amendments for existing registrations, find and open the record through the "Search" tab in the Business Filing Services portal and request access. Membership is a formal way of committing to submit to your spiritual leadership as well as your brothers and sisters in the church. The laws concerning the regulation of alcoholic beverages may be found in the ABC Act (starting with Section 23000 of the Business and Professions Code). Enter "1023" in the search box and select Form 1023.