This legal memorandum provides guidance regarding whether, when, and how severance pay may be provided to church employees who are terminated from church. Churches should consider using a severance agreement when a decision is made to dismiss an employee.NOTE: The following termination agreement is a very basic template for churches and pastors to use strictly as a resource. Petition for Termination of Parent-Child Relationship, including: A. Properly Fill Out and Sign the Petition for Termination of Parent-Child Relationship. First, you file the "Petition to Terminate ParentChild Relationship" with the Clerk of the. Court. 2. A severance agreement usually includes information on severance pay, the continuation of benefits and details on the legal responsibilities of both parties. I joined TNPC last month; however, I still need to write the letter officially terminating my membership at my parents' Methodist Church. If a member initially declines, the option to participate at a later date is still available. 3. Members who terminate from Pima County prior to completing. This Directive provides regulations governing travel allowances for all employees traveling in the.