New York State Law requires any person who performs a Marriage Ceremony within the City of New York to register with the City Clerk. Use for request re: Baptism Certificates, Letters of Transfer, Letters of Good Standing, Date of Joining, General Membership Information.Just let whoever runs the meeting know that you work and you don't get out of work at a time that allows you to make the church meeting on time. Here are a few new church member letter templates. Communication is key. How you communicate with your congregation is vital for building and maintaining relationships. 1. Church administrators who need to transfer members between congregations. We are writing this letter to you to determine your intentions regarding your membership status here at (NAME OF CHURCH). Day Care Centers - provide care for more than six children at a time, not in a personal residence. Do not click any links sent to you in a text claiming to be from CityPay, as this is a scam.