Write a letter to or call the church's office and ask to withdraw membership and remove your information from their records. "Transferring your letter" is more of a perfunctory act between churches who are merely shuffling members as though they are numbers on a score board.Your church must have bylaws or some other guidelines that describe the grounds for revocation of membership. There is a "Refund Request" form that can be filled out and submitted to one of the Reps at the counter or it can be submitted at the Link Centers. We must sometimes encourage the congregation to permit members to leave. Even if we don't fully agree with their reasons for leaving. It is not permitted to have two religious marriage services or to have a single service in which both the Catholic and non-. From there, open the document on your computer in either Acrobat or Acrobat Reader, fill it out, and then save it. I received an unwanted phishing text message from an email address. It reads, "Did you pick up any shares of SRCF?