You can do is to end your membership in The UMC. If a pastor is informed that a member has without notice united with a church of another denomination, the pastor shall make diligent inquiry.The Book of Discipline provides that members can be removed from the membership role if they "transfer, die or have withdrawn from membership." In the most serious cases, a person can be excommunicated, which means a complete loss of church membership. Leaders of the United Methodist Church have rejected the One Church Plan, a measure that would have eased restrictions on LGBTQ clergy and samesex marriages. Methodist Church Day" in San Diego. Many churches that have disaffiliated from the United Methodist Church have done so without legal counsel. Please use this group to support one another in ministry and share ideas for ministry so that, with God's help, we can build up God's Kingdom on this earth. At Edenton Street United Methodist Church. Religious courts operate on a routine, everyday basis.