Write a letter to or call the church's office and ask to withdraw membership and remove your information from their records. You can always write a formal letter to your local church board stating your request and the reasons why."Transferring your letter" is more of a perfunctory act between churches who are merely shuffling members as though they are numbers on a score board. Fines are mounting against a Santa Clara Co. church that is holding indoor services, against repeated warnings from officials. Frequently asked questions about alcoholic beverage licenses, license transfers, micro-enterprise home kitchens, and the online beer price posting system. What if I don't fill out this letter? Will I get penalized? The zoning ordinance divides the unincorporated territory of the county into geographical districts designated as zoning districts. One cultural "Christian" tradition in the Bible Belt is an activity called "transferring your letter. The Court today does not foreclose other voluntary deci- sions based in part on a qualified employee's membership in a disadvantaged group.