Write a long, nasty, mean-spirited letter to explain everything that they dislike about the church and articulate their own self-pity at length. Also, the elders may not be able to give you a letter of transfer or a good letter of standing to take to the next assembly.I did leave, and am now in a new place much better for me. Thank you, thank you, for all you've done, for your sweet heart for the Lord and for your neighbors. Those who use his service to resign their membership must now provide a notarized letter. For people living in Utah, a familiarity with the "Mormons" or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is an inevitability. That t It seems to me it would stand entirely without permission. On a sweltering day in August 1873, Eliza R. Snow stood in the Ogden,. Utah, tabernacle and addressed her sisters in the Relief Society of the. Make sure you are leaving for the right reasons.