Deactivate your EIN. Customer: How do I remove my name from EIN?Accountant's Assistant: I understand that you would like to remove your name from an EIN. If you have a US issued Social Security Number or an ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number), you should fill out and sign the W9 form. If you receive a letter asking for missing information or documentation to support what you claimed on your return, it doesn't mean you did anything wrong. Provided below is a sample of the List Form of Notice following the instructions in the job aid, Instructions for Preparing a List Form of. Notice. Complete and file the appropriate Certificate of Cancellation or Notice of Withdrawal;. If the neighbor still refuses, then draft a letter stating that the arborist has found that the tree(s) threaten your property and recommends removal. What name should I apply for a license in? If the neighbor still refuses, then draft a letter stating that the arborist has found that the tree(s) threaten your property and recommends removal.