Customizing this Church Membership Transfer Letter is simple with our easy-to-use drag-and-drop builder. Article 82 deals with the transfer of membership from one congregation to another within the church federation.Church Membership Letter Templates - Membership Transfer Letter, business meetings, etc. We understand and recognize that not all churches have "membership" and that you may just simply be joining our church without an official transfer. This form should only be filled in after a written request for transfer has been received and the church has voted to allow the person to transfer out. If you are joining another church, the pastor will contact your previous church and ask for a letter of transfer. "Transferring your letter" is more of a perfunctory act between churches who are merely shuffling members as though they are numbers on a score board. "Transferring your letter" is more of a perfunctory act between churches who are merely shuffling members as though they are numbers on a score board. Wayne sang in a barbershop quartet with his older brother Alan and younger brothers Merrill and Jay. Today Don cooks for his family and friends and for church groups and the like.