I joined TNPC last month; however, I still need to write the letter officially terminating my membership at my parents' Methodist Church. Write a long, nasty, mean-spirited letter to explain everything that they dislike about the church and articulate their own self-pity at length.The attached older post will review how to get out of these voluntary contracts that are secretly legal documents designed to protect the church. Letter withdrawing my forty year membership from my church. "I am no longer a member of this church. I do not need your permission, nor do I care whether or not you agree with my decision. "Signed,. Submit a written request (via email or paper) to withdraw to their district superintendent for deposit with the NC Conference Secretary, Rev. Churches' membership procedures should reflect the fact that the church, not the individual member, has authority to accept and dismiss members. Do not capitalize every letter of a member's last name, except in the subject and signature lines. "My dear brother Wayne passed away peacefully last night from a stroke.