I joined TNPC last month; however, I still need to write the letter officially terminating my membership at my parents' Methodist Church. You can do is to end your membership in The UMC.Submit a written request (via email or paper) to withdraw to their district superintendent for deposit with the NC Conference Secretary, Rev. _____ Please withdraw my membership with the understanding that, at any time in the future, I may have my membership reinstated. _____ I now live in. A) All arrangements for use of the building are to be made with the church office at. 610-688-5650. The Discipline defines what is expected of its laity and clergy as they seek to be effective witnesses in the world as a part of the whole body of Christ. If a pastor is informed that a member has without notice united with a church of another denomination, the pastor shall make diligent inquiry. If a pastor is informed that a member has without notice united with a church of another denomination, the pastor shall make diligent inquiry. In the meeting, former Rev.