Section 718 112(2)(c) of the Florida Condominium Act requires that notice of board meetings be posted on the condominium property at least 48 hours in advance. This legal template pertains to the notification process for a Board of Directors Meeting in the state of Florida, under the jurisdiction of USA law.(See "Board Meeting Agenda Requirements. For an HOA, you need to notify the community of a board meeting within 48 hours of the meeting with a posted notice, except in the case of an emergency. A form of notice and agenda of a meeting of the board of directors of a Florida for-profit corporation. Enjoy our free minutes template for your corporation's first board of directors meeting. Like all our forms, this template is intended for individual use. The Meeting Agenda: On the second half of the notice of meeting, you should include a meeting agenda in a list format. The notice requirements that apply to board meetings are distinct from those that apply to membership meetings. The board routinely sends out agenda outlines to interested parties 7-10 days prior to an upcoming board meeting.