Here you can file a complaint, search complaints and find useful information for consumers. If you wish to release your information to other individuals or entities, please complete a Request to Release.Using electronic signatures to obtain consumer consent. Since January 2021, the Attorney General has gathered and reviewed complaints from at least twentyseven (27) Florida consumers concerning. If you're worried about how to get out of debt, here are some things to know — and how to find legitimate help. Thomas has agreed to follow updated requirements on reporting trips and gifts, including clearer guidelines on hospitality from friends. This disposition hearing was the next step in the process to justice for the victims and their families of the October 2023 mass shooting. You must fill out and submit this form with each new action. These are electronic federal tax forms, equivalent to a paper 1040 and are designed for taxpayers who are comfortable filling out IRS tax forms. Fluency in a foreign language is desired (Spanish preferred).