To file a consumer complaint, complete the Office of Inspections - Consumer Affairs Complaint Form, or call 732-398-2300 for a form to be sent to you. We can provide you with samples of court forms that are available.We can provide you with guidance on how to fill out forms. FYI: You are able to apply for a birth certificate while you are still in custody and have six months left prior to release. One such scam involves fake property liens. It threatens taxpayers with a tax bill from a fictional government agency. Most Announcements will remain on this page for at least two weeks. Filing instructions are provided with each announcement and state how and where to apply. OIFP serves as the focal point for all criminal, civil and administrative prosecutions of Medicaid and insurance fraud. If you wish to submit your complaint form via US mail, please complete, print and sign the Printable Complaint Form and submit it to: