A case that is dismissed "without prejudice" is only dismissed temporarily. This temporary dismissal means that the plaintiff is allowed to re-file charges.A case dismissed with prejudice is over and done with, once and for all, and can't be brought back to court. The release of the voter history file requires the requestor to sign an affirmation that the information received will not be used for commercial purposes. 30. If any case, previously reinstated, is terminated pursuant to this rule, then it is terminated with prejudice. A dismissal without prejudice means the court has closed the case, but your right to bring the matter before the court again is not barred. The burden of proving that no undue prejudice will result to the opposing parties is on the party requesting the amendment. Finally, Volkay alleges that "consolidation would promote judicial economy, and not pose any prejudice to the Defendants in either case. We cannot provide legal advice or walk you through a court document, i.e. , assist with filling it out.