The enclosure letter should be designed to serve those persons as well. In this article, we explain what an enclosure is and how to cite one, and we provide an example of an enclosure in a business letter.Instruct that person to fill out the remainder of the form and return it to you for enclosure with the rest of your application. To consider the Application complete, and for CDPH to render a final decision, you must submit the following information below: 1. Purpose: This manual is composed of two volumes, each containing its own purpose. The Design-Builder must fill out a separate transmittal form for each submittal and include other relevant information and. I have enclosed my resume for your consideration. The GHS system covers all hazardous chemicals and may be adopted to cover chemicals in the workplace, transport, consumer products, and pesticides. Mail processing equipment that automatically faces letter-size mail in a uniform orientation and cancels any postage stamps. Sample drug test referral order is in the Appendix.