By filling out the form below, you give the County of Contra Costa ("County") the absolute right and permission to the unlimited use of your image and likeness. The following is a list of some documents that may be recorded if they meet all requirements, and a description or definition of each document.Contra Costa County Release of Notice of Pending Action Form. Fill in the blank form formatted to comply with all recording and content requirements. To complete an eviction we require the original writ, Sheriff's fee, and a signed Contra Costa County Sheriff letter of instruction for eviction located above. Come get an application form from the DSPS office. If you need help filling it out, just let us know. Official Forms for Viewing and Downloading. Both forms must be submitted to the Housing Authority along with the proposed unsigned lease (if owner using own lease). The Shortcut Pipeline is an excellent example of efficient redundancies built into your water system to ensure a reliable means of conveying water to customers.