An enrolling parent may request a student transfer for their child in grades kindergarten through 12 to attend a non-base school. Explore some of our most frequently asked questions and learn how to take advantage of the many FCPS services available to you.Yes, please fill out the Owner Exemption Statement Form. This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please include your last name and "Education Director" in the subject line of your email. Fill out the appropriate form, obtain all required signatures, and return the form to the Office of the University Registrar. When using these Quitclaim Deed forms, the subject real estate must be physically located in Fairfax County. Use the links below to download and fill out the affidavit form to be included with the application. Memberships are non-transferrable. Simply visit the Senior Center of your choice and fill out a membership form.