Put the case number and address of the property in the subject line of the email. Fillable PDF information.These are the forms that Clerk's office provides for the sealing and expungement of court records. All reports submitted online are subject to public release per Florida Statute §119. Filing a false police report is a crime. All crew members are required to fill out this form. Please include the case number and defendant's name in the subject line when requesting a court date. Complete the following forms and notarize the ones with a notary signature line: A. 12 Rules of Courtroom Civility - (does not need to be notarized). Please include "SHC 1200052 Merrill Park Sewer Line" in the subject line of any comments emailed to the Department. Item called out shall have an individual record (line) in the Submittal Register and this will be submitted for Owner approval and comment.