The signer need not sign in the notary's presence but must personally appear before the notary and state that the signature on the document is his or hers. Do you need a Release or Waiver Agreement Form in Illinois?Create, print or download your Illinois Release or Waiver Agreement form for free. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE CFS 600-3. Line 1: Enter the name of the person giving consent. Signature Lines: Provide spaces for the releasor(s) and releasee(s) to sign and date the form. How to fill out the Illinois Waiver of Lien Form Submission Guide? Signature Lines: Provide spaces for the releasor(s) and releasee(s) to sign and date the form. To submit the Illinois Waiver of Lien, ensure that all fields are accurately filled out and the document is signed. Discover Illinois in a Box.