Other motions to dismiss ask for dismissal with prejudice. This means that the case can't be started again.You can use the statute of limitations as an affirmative defense in your case to get it dismissed without prejudice. A case dismissed with prejudice is over and done with, once and for all, and can't be brought back to court. Paragraph 7 requires every Plaintiff to provide Defendant's Counsel with a PFS that is "substantially complete in all respects. "Without prejudice" is a legal term. It is used when a case has been settled, but could come back up for future claims. The case was dismissed without prejudice the creditor could essentially refile the matter correcting whatever the basis of dismissal was the prior time. When a case is dismissed "with prejudice," it essentially means that the action and any future refilling are both prohibited. "Without prejudice" means that you can re-file your case at a later date as long as you are still within the statute of limitations.