The attached information is to be used as a guide to the building inspection expectations of Nassau County. The checklist is intended for one and two.Code Rule 56 covers installation, removal, encapsulation, application or enclosure of asbestos material. Bidder must include in its bid response all forms and documents listed on the Document Enclosure Checklist. When size, weight, or other factors prevent sending an enclosure with a letter, send it separately and type "(sep cover)" after the enclosure's description. Following information in the format of the sample tag: 1) "DO NOT REMOVE BY ORDER OF THE NASSAU COUNTY. In the remaining five counties having mandatory efiling in Supreme Court, the affected categories of cases are more restricted, e.g. Completing the Annual Fire and Building Safety Report on the NYSED Portal. NOTE: One report must be completed for each building. Instructions How to Fill out the Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A17.