Because you are representing yourself, in the space after "plaintiff's attorney" fill in your own name and address. "Without Prejudice" means you may be able to refile lawsuit later.• Parties (everyone who will file paperwork in the case) without lawyers must follow the same rules as lawyers. If both spouses have already filed paperwork with the court, they both have to sign a motion to dismiss without prejudice. The motion is usually filed "without prejudice". A lawyer must be punctual in making all court appearances and fulfilling all professional commitments. Thus, if a creditor dismisses a lawsuit against you without prejudice, they may have the right to sue you again in the future. Chief of the San Antonio Police Department; Cause No. 2021CI00942, filed in the 45th Judicial District of Bexar County,. Do not sign a contract if it contains any blank spaces; either fill them in or cross them out if they do not apply. Jurors are selected from the Bexar County Juror pool and directed to Municipal Court.