If your case is dismissed "without prejudice," you can file it again (as long as there are no legal deadlines or other laws that stop you). 1. Both parties would like the Court to dismiss this case without prejudice.Respectfully submitted,. Dismissal with prejudice means that the plaintiff cannot refile the same claim again in that court. If my case is permanently dismissed because of his lack of due diligence, and I can prove he ruined the case, can I ultimately refile with the new lawyer? If you both agree to dismiss the case, you should file an Agreed. Without Prejudice instead of a Notice of Nonsuit. If you dismiss with prejudice, you can no longer re-file that suit. (n). "Dismissed with prejudice" means a case has been dismissed and finally decided and may not be refiled. (o). "Judge" is a justice of the peace. (p).