Pro Se: Refers to persons who present their own cases in court without a lawyer; from the Latin for "on one's own behalf. Dismissal with prejudice means that the plaintiff cannot refile the same claim again in that court.I received a Notice of Dismissal Withou Prejudice from a lawyer who is trying to foreclose on my home. If my case is permanently dismissed because of his lack of due diligence, and I can prove he ruined the case, can I ultimately refile with the new lawyer? If you have questions, it's important to talk with a lawyer before dismissing your case. If the case is dismissed "with prejudice," the case is over permanently. The case cannot be re-filed and you are in the clear. If you proceed without a lawyer, you will be responsible for protecting yourself legally. In general, Texas has very few official legal forms. This is why you will not always find a free fill-in-the-blank form for your situation.