Because you are representing yourself, in the space after "plaintiff's attorney" fill in your own name and address. If you need information about your case, you can call the Clerk's office at (254) 629‐2638.In Texas state Court, a defendant can move to dismiss a claim early on if it fails to state a recognizable cause of action (frivolous lawsuit). Prejudice was sent to the party's attorney. When a court dismisses an action, they can either do so "with prejudice" or "without prejudice. (l) "Dismissed without prejudice" means a case has been dismissed but has not been finally decided and may be refiled. You may accidentally give up important legal rights if you file this form with the Court without first consulting with a lawyer. In some cases, you may have the option of filing a case in small claims court, which is designed for people without formal training in the law. Why is it a dumb idea to show up to court without a lawyer? A lawyer should not accept representation in a matter unless it can be performed competently, promptly, and without improper conflict of interest.