Fill out the contact form or call us at (408) 436-0789 to schedule your free consultation. How to Participate in Public Meetings.The City of Alameda encourages public participation in person, remotely or in writing. The corporation can allow others to call a special meeting, such as the BoD Chair, CEO, or yes, shareholders. The bylaws or CoI needs to specify this, though. Ratifying Elon Musk's compensation under the CEO pay package that our stockholders previously approved at our 2018 special meeting (Proposal Four). ​. This Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders template may be used to provide notice of a special meeting of the shareholders of a California corporation. Resolution approving and authorizing the execution of a Naming Rights Agreement between the Oakland. (a) Meetings of shareholders may be held at any place within or without this state as may be stated in or fixed in accordance with the bylaws. Here, we discuss some reasons why buying ATRA stock now may turn out to be a prudent move.