Special event permits include permits for street fairs, races, block parties and other events, as well as permits for specific activities. The City of Alameda's 2023-24 Legislative Agenda(PDF, 24KB) guides the City's legislative advocacy efforts.To initiate the process, please click the "Register with Bonfire" button below. The Alameda Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) will receive a final report on its. ➢ Fill out a public comment card located at the table near the entrance. Give your card to the First. For the first time, the Rent Program is requiring an annual registration statement for each fully regulated rental unit. It is estimated that approximately 1 of 3 residents in Alameda County are included in the reentry population. Prior to housing Alameda County girls in any out-of-county facility, Alameda. That Alameda CTC is out in the community and visible. 3.