If the situation is not resolved at this level, the employee may request a meeting with the respective CABINET member and the Director of Human Resources. I got a sudden meeting invite with the head of HR scheduled for Thursday afternoon next week.This is quite unusual because we all have an appointed HR person. Applications. Please note when completing a Civil Service Application all sections must be completed. Work experience must be submitted as out lined in 11. The Allegheny East Conference of Seventh-day Adventists exists to promote the sharing of the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ ethnically. Search for Manager jobs in Allegheny at some of the world's top companies using USA's leading recruitment consultancy - Michael Page. The Allegheny Conference staff works from the direction of board leadership on the day-to-day activities that move the Conference's agenda forward. If you are a smart, civic-minded individual who is invested in a bright future for the Pittsburgh region, why not join our team. Senior Management Team.