Come up with improvements or ideas to improve the business. In this post, we'll share 40 questions to ask your boss during oneonones, performance reviews, and casual conversation.Since our last , what have you enjoyed or what are you most proud of? Leaders from over twodozen companies share their favorite oneonone questions. Ask him what his challenges are, what is goals are for the coming period so you have an insight into the work you're doing from his point of view. Asking, "Any questions?" for example, is less likely to elicit a response than, "Julia, what are your thoughts? Do you have a strategic approach to growing your career? Regular oneonone meetings give managers and direct reports the chance to share feedback, address challenges, and follow up on OKRs. To require all public bodies to provide a complete audiovisual recording of all meetings except for executive sessions. A good manager should do everything they can do to minimize the time their directs spend in meetings.