A corporation may hold a special meeting of members in or out of this state at the place stated in or fixed in accordance with the bylaws. Except as provided in section 10-2703, a corporation shall hold a special meeting of shareholders either: 1.A board of directors may hold regular or special meetings in or out of this state. The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Formal and Informal meetings are open to the public and will proceed under ARS 38-431 et.al. Facts: Bylaws require at least five days notice of a special meeting of the executive board, The president can call special meetings. To protect the public. a. To avoid decision-making in secret. b. To require all public bodies to provide a complete audiovisual recording of all meetings except for executive sessions. Notice should include date, time, location and purpose of the meeting; and the agenda should be mailed with the notice to ensure compliance with the law. "Public body" means the legislature, all boards and commissions of this state or political subdivisions, all multimember governing bodies of.