IDEA includes clear and detailed provisions that guide how schools schedule IEP meetings so that parents have the opportunity to be involved and participate. From the Actions bar, click Documents.The Documents page appears. These resources are designed to aid in analysis of instructional staff (special education teachers and paraprofessionals) needed as a minimum starting point. Can the title of meeting notice in NYC be changed to "IEP Meeting Notice" rather than Meeting Notice – CSE or CPSE? 10 STEPS TO COMPLETE AN IEP or IFSP. Click on the Choose Student icon to get your student list; click on student name to go to IEP Manager. Parents and guardians must be notified of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting at least seven calendar days before the meeting. Procedural Requirements Guidelines. Conduct a thorough, individualized evaluation; Adhere to required timelines; Involve parents in the IEP process.