The guidance below explains how SLT and CCEC meetings can be conducted in accordance with NYS Open Meetings Law (OML). What a school leadership team (SLT) is and does, SLT members, the decision making process, and governing laws and regulations.This page includes some important steps and useful information to help you start and successfully transition into your new role at the DOE. If a religious school wishes to be independent, it may obtain a charter and have separate incorporation as an educational corporation, but this is not required. School officials cannot make most changes to your child's IEP without holding an IEP meeting. You are entitled to five days notice before an IEP meeting. Filing Instructions. The NYC Public Schools Teacher Application for full-time teaching positions for the 2024-25 school year is closed. Meeting notice requirements - Jane circulates board meetings for the year and any special meetings we need with 10 days' notice. Team members may participate in the meeting in person, online, or over the phone.